Hawks Mountain Ranch
Pygora Goats
Gaston, OR






E-mail us at:

 Hawks Mountain Ranch
Pygora Goats
Lisa Roskopf
PH: (503) 539-0295
E-Mail: lisa@hmrpygoras.com
51920 S.W. Dundee Rd. Gaston, OR 97119

Welcome to our Magazine and Newspaper clippings page

It  is a new addition to our website!!!  Come back again as we load more!!!

Click HERE to go to more magazine and newspaper articles

Our Ranch and Pygora goats were featured in the the special livestock edition of the Capital Press December 6, 1996

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Home | About Hawks Mountain Ranch | What is a Pygora |Pygora Fleece Types | Pygora breed |
E-Mail Us: lisa@hmrpygoras.com

 This website and it's contents including all text, photos and graphics, are copyright of Hawks Mountain Ranch 2011. Please request permission for use of any of it's contents. Thank you!