Hawks Mountain Ranch
Pygora Goats
Gaston, OR

Questions And Answers
About Pygora Goats


Hawks Mountain Ranch
Pygora Goats

Lisa Roskopf
PH: 503-539-0295
E-Mail: Lisa@hawksmtnranch.com
Website: www.hawksmtnranch.com
51920 S.W. Dundee Road   Gaston, OR 97119

Information from the Pygora Breeders Association


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    The Pygora goat is a breed purposely bred and then registered in Oregon by Katherine Jorgensen. She wanted an animal, which would produce fine fiber for hand spinning. She bred the Pygmy, a goat with short, soft down to the Angora, a goat with long silky fleece. The Pygora Breeders Association was formed in 1987. Since then, the Pygora has increased in number and popularity.

Do the parent animals have to be registered to make a Pygora?

    In order to register kids with PBA, both parents must be registered. Parents of first-generation goats must be registered with the National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA) and the American Angora goat Breeders Association (AAGBA). No other registrations are accepted. In order to register kids from Pygora parents, both parents must be registered with PBA.

Does it matter which breed, Pygmy or Angora, is used as the doe?

    No, either way a Pygora goat is the result. However, if a Pygmy doe is chosen, consideration must be given to her size to insure a trouble-free delivery. Kidding problems are infrequent, and the kids are very vigorous and usually up and nursing within 15 minutes.

What size are the kids and adults?

Most kids are about 5 pounds at birth. Again, it may depend on which breed is used as the doe.

    Does range in weight from 65 to 75 pounds, while bucks and wethers range from 75 to 95 pounds. PBA has minimum height requirements of 18 inches for does and 23 inches for bucks. There is no maximum height restriction.

Must Pygoras be 50% Angora and 50% Pygmy?

No, the mixture may contain up to, but not more than, 75% of one of the parent breeds.

Is the first-generation cross registerable as a Pygora?

    Technically the first generation, or "F1" is not a true Pygora, but a hybrid. A hybrid is not a breed until it breeds "true". We do, however, register "F1" goats and they are shown only in "F1" classes and are not eligible for championships.

Is registration automatic for kids of registered animals?

    No, in order to be permanently registered, a Pygora must have fleece. Pre-registration is issued to a goat under 8 months of age. For permanent registration a fleece sample and picture of the goat in fleece must be submitted with the application.

What colors are Pygoras?

    PBA accepts all Pygmy colors and their dilutions plus white. Color markings resembling other breeds are not acceptable.

What is the personality of the Pygora?

    Pygoras have the docility of the Angora and the spunk and playfulness of the Pygmy. They have the curiosity of the cat and experience their world like a 2-year-old human; everything new must be tasted!



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Do Pygoras require any special care?

    Pygoras should be treated like any other goat. Hay, grain, minerals, and water requirements can be found in any good book on goats. Also be sure to take note of and follow the guidelines for hoof care and vaccinations. Find a good veterinarian who knows goats, and develop a trusting relationship with him/her before you have a sick animal. Prevention is easier, cheaper, and has better results. On the whole, Pygoras tend to be exceptionally hardy.

Do Pygoras have horns?

    Yes, both parent breeds are naturally horned. PBA allows goats to be shown with or without horns. The majority of PBA members do disbud their animals at a young age for their own convenience (keeps animals from getting hung up in field fence, for example), or to provide a safer animal for 4-H projects. Whether or not to disbud is a personal preference and decision.

Can a person own just one Pygora?

    Yes, but it is not recommended. Goats are herd animals and need company, preferably another goat. A single goat tends to be lonely, noisy, and not much fun for themselves or their owners.

Do Pygora bucks smell?

    Yes, all bucks smell, especially during the breeding season. The Pygora buck smells stronger than an Angora buck, but less than a Pygmy buck. When breeding season is over, Pygora bucks have very little scent.

When is breeding season?

    The length of the day is the major trigger for does to come into season. Being close to a buck also helps cause the does to cycle. Each spring and fall the does will cycle and the bucks will start spraying themselves, putting on the cologne "guaranteed to get that special doe". The average cycle for does is every 18-23 days.

What is the gestation of Pygoras?

Pygoras have a gestation of 5 months, or 145-153 days.

How many times a year can you breed Pygora goats?

    It is possible to get 3 kiddings in 2 years. This is hard on the doe, and should not be done often. Extra feed and care is a necessity for these does.

Can you milk Pygoras?

Yes, Pygoras give about 1 quart of milk a day.



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Do all Pygoras have the same fleece type?

    No, there are three different fleece types. No one type is "better" than the other is; they just have different characteristics.

    Type "A": (Angora type)---A long, lustrous fiber up to 6 inches long, hanging in long, curly locks. The hair coat is not obvious on a type "A" animal. This fiber is very fine mohair. Some type "A", "F1" Pygoras are single coated. These animals must be shorn.

    Type "B": (Blend type)---A blend of the Pygmy goat undercoat which is cashmere and the Angora mohair. It is between 3 and 6 inches long, and it has a nice crimp (curl). The second coat is usually obscured by the type "B" fleeces that is 3 to 6 inches long. Type "B" can either be lustrous (shiny), or have a matte (dull) finish. This fleece type is the most common, and these goats may be shorn, combed, or plucked.

    Type "C ": (Cashmere type)---A very fine fiber, with no luster, and length of 1 to 3 inches. The hair coat looks very coarse in comparison to the two types above. Type "C" can be acceptable commercial cashmere. These goats may be shorn or combed.

Do you have to harvest the fleece?

    Yes, and no. True Type "A" animals must be shorn. Types "B" and "C" will shed out (blow) their fleeces in the spring if the fiber is not removed. All types will matt if left too long on the animal.

When do you shear?

    Most breeders shear before kidding in late winter. Weather is a big consideration, and supplying freshly shorn goats with adequate bedding and shelter is very important. Hand or electric shears with a goat comb, or household scissors may be used to shear. If the fleece is to be used by hand spinners, cleanliness and the absence of second cuts are important.

How do you harvest if you choose to comb or pluck?

    In the early spring, keep checking the goats to see when they first start shedding their fleece. A plastic hairbrush, pet grooming brush or cotton carder may be used. Hand plucking is simply gently pulling the fleece from the animal-it should come off easily! Goats generally do not shed all at once, so should be combed or plucked every few days. Experiment to see what works best for you!

How much fleece is produced by a Pygora?

    Most Pygoras produce from 6 ounces to 2 pounds per shearing. Many Type "A"s are sheared twice per year.

How do you prepare the fleece for spinning?

    The goat's fleece should be brushed or blown out before harvesting in order to remove as much hay, seeds, and debris as possible. The harvested fleece may be spun before washing. If washed before spinning care should be taken, as with any raw fiber, not to felt it.

What is the spun fleece like?

    There is little to no lanolin in Pygora fleece, so care must be taken not to over-spin it. It blends very well with wool and silk. Pygora fleece takes beautifully to natural, commercial or Kool-Aid dyes.

About Hawks Mountain Ranch Pygora Goats | Our Herd Management Practices | What is A Pygora Goat? | Frequently asked Questions about  Pygora Goats  | How to Prepare & Spin Pygora Goat Fiber | The Pygora Goat as a Fiber Breed | Our Herd Sires | Magazine & newspaper clippings about our Pygora Goats | Fun photos of our Pygora Goats and our farm | Shipping our Pygora Goats across the U.S. | Products made from Pygora Goat Fiber | Pygora Goat Health and Kidding Info

E-Mail Us:  Lisa@hawksmtnranch.com  

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