Pygora Goat Website

Hawks Mountain Ranch
Pygora Goats
Update from our Ranch

Retirement notice:
After 31 years, I am retiring from the goat business.  I am leaving our Hawks Mountain Ranch website up because some people like to go to the site as a resource.

The ranch and my love of Pygora's has been a large and rewarding part of my life.

I have met many of my close friends through the joy of raising and showing my goats.

I have loved sharing my passion for goats with the hundreds of new owners who were my customers. We still have the ranch and will allow the old Does and Bucks to live out their lives here.

This will always be a memorable and rewarding part of my life.Thanks to my friends, fellow breeders, and customers who helped enrich my life.

Lisa, WGW

SafeSurf Rated All Ages

About Hawks Mountain Ranch Pygora Goats | Our Herd Management Practices | What is A Pygora Goat? | Frequently asked Questions about  Pygora Goats | How to Prepare & Spin Pygora Goat Fiber | The Pygora Goat as a Fiber Breed | Our Herd Sires | Magazine & newspaper clippings about our Pygora Goats | Fun photos of our Pygora Goats and our farm | Shipping our Pygora Goats across the U.S. | Products made from Pygora Goat Fiber | Pygora Goat Health and Kidding Info 

 This website and it's contents including all text, photos and graphics, are copyright of Hawks Mountain Ranch 2024© Please request permission for use of any of it's contents. Thank you!

Lisa Roskopf      Email: